Webcomics Wednesday: New Favorites Link Dump!

Things are still busy in my neck of the woods, but I wanted to try and squeeze in a Webcomics Wednesday post. Sorry it’s not more in depth than a link dump post.

Still, I rather like all of these, so let’s get sharing!

I Think You’re Saucesome by Sarah Beacon is like a personal diary of Sarah’s struggles with her weight and her body image, as well as what she eats. It’s really kind of life-changing to see it done in comics. It makes me feel a little bit more confident in myself when I realize that half of the time I’m my own worst enemy.

Evil Diva is about a young devil who just wants to be good, but it’s kind of hard when your entire society is made up of super-good angels and super-bad devils! A fun, high school adventure story with plenty of mythology, comedy and action.

Wasted Talent by Angela Melick is a cute auto-biography comic that starts during Angela’s days as an engineering major in college and have recently included the Vancouver Olympics and getting marriage. It is adorable and funny even to non-engineers. Just trust me on this one.

I R Lolita by est-et-zen is a new webcomic, so it doesn’t have too many pages up yet, but it’s a funny look into lolita personalities and attitudes. And now it’s starting to build itself a little story. As a former lolita myself, I enjoy it’s simultaneous cuteness and self-deprecating humor. And Waffle-chan.

And finally…

His Face All Red by Emily Carroll has been getting passed around the internet a lot lately and for good reason. It’s short, but it’s amazing. Scott McCloud posted more information about the creator, who has a bit of a scattered online profile, on his blog. I am totally enamored with Carroll’s sensual faces and bodies.

And, as always, please share your favorite webcomic reads. I’m always looking for more!*

*Disclaimer- This does not guarantee that if you pass me YOUR webcomic that I will a) like it or b) review it on this site. Just so you know.



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