Tag Archives: Deka Kyoshi

DC Drops CMX Manga

As if last week wasn’t enough of a blow to U.S. manga publishing, DC is closing CMX Manga, its manga publishing arm, and will cease publishing any new titles after July 2010 except for webcomic-turned-print Megatokyo under another DC line.

There’s nothing really to say about this other than a big: FUCK YOU, DC. What the hell do you mean you won’t finish Swan or Apothecarius Argentum or Stolen Hearts or From Eroica With Love!?

What about Deka Kyoshi? What about Nadeshiko Club vol. 1 (which is also by Stolen Hearts mangaka Miku Sakamoto)? What about all the series from DC I’ve been looking to collect  but haven’t been able to find easily? Thank goodness you’ve finished Emma! At least I won’t be denied my victorian romance unless I can’t find a volume in stores.

I know this is fan entitlement, but I think it’s only fair when DC’s made about all of the manga blogging community (and surely  many, many readers) so completely depressed by their announcement! I’m sure with all the Blackest Night/Brightest Day pandering could fund CMX long enough to finish what they’ve started. At least Del Ray is doing THAT MUCH.

And as if that weren’t bad enough, Amazon let slip a new CMX title YESTERDAY. JUST YESTERDAY.

I am completely disgusted with you, DC. And mad and sad and pretty much ready to cry if I hear more bad news about manga…

Goodbye, my sweet...


Filed under manga